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Showing posts from October, 2018

keytool cheatsheet

Divide photos from mobile to different folders

If photos are of name  20171114_175035.jpg you can divide them into different folders according dates. Run below commands on photos folder. rem copy pictures images movies camera/mobile phone to sub folders pics photos rem ##### make folders according dates of images ##### dir /b *.jpg | sed -e "s/^\(....\)\(..\)\(..\)_\(.\).*/mkdir \1_\2_\3_\4/g" | uniq  |sort > c1.bat c1.bat rem #### move images to folders ##### dir /b *.jpg | sed -e "s/^\(....\)\(..\)\(..\)_\(.\).*/move \0 \1_\2_\3_\4/g"  > c2.bat c2.bat rem #### make folders for movies ##### dir /b *.mp4 | sed -e "s/^\(....\)\(..\)\(..\)_\(.\).*/mkdir \1_\2_\3_\4/g" | uniq  |sort > c1.bat c1.bat dir /b *.mp4 | sed -e "s/^\(....\)\(..\)\(..\)_\(.\).*/move \0 \1_\2_\3_\4/g"  > c2.bat c2.bat dir /b *.avi | sed -e "s/^\(....\)\(..\)\(..\)_\(.\).*/mkdir \1_\2_\3_\4/g" | uniq  |sort > c1.bat c1.bat dir /b *.avi | sed -e ...


net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR What is SPDY SPDY, developed by Google, is a networking protocol. It ensures fast web page download. When can you encounter the spdy error? SPDY needs SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer)/(Transport Layer Security) communication security to work. That’s the reason a lot of users encounter this error when visiting secure websites. Some common examples of secure websites with HTTPS pages are YouTube, Google, Gmail etc. But you can also encounter the SPDY error when visiting non-HTTPs websites. These websites use TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). SPDY also supports this protocol and throws the error when a user visits these websites. Although common in Google Chrome, you may also face this glitch in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. What causes err_spdy_protocol_error When you visit a webpage, your browser sends a request using SPDY protocol. An outdated browser will trigger an old version of SPDY. Since Google only su...