If your PC is near a window or you just have headache after reading lot of content from Internet Explorer - you can use the tip below. Change the color contrast of pages that are displayed by Internet Explorer by using 'user style sheet' feature. To do so, write HTML file called 'my_style.css' with following content: *, body, p, th, td, a { font-size: large !important; line-height: 200% !important ; background: black !important ; color: yellow !important } :link, :link * { cursor : hand ! important; color : yellow ! important; text-decoration : underline ! important; } Now, open Internet Explorer and follow the steps: Choose 'Tools' Choose 'Internet Options' Click on 'Accessibility' button Mark the checkbox called 'Format document using my style sheet' In the text box write the full file name of the style file. Example: 'C:\my_style.css' Click 'OK' button Click 'OK' again Now the text in the pages will be yellow ov...
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