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Showing posts from September, 2011

youtube - funny movie on bureaucracy

youtube - great animation music

How to install jenkins slave

Create a slave is simple but instructions in wiki are not so full.

Jenkins error: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException

I tried to run groovy build step and got below error. This post will describe how I solved the problem. Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hudson for class: script

FindBugs - how to find the correct exclude filter

findbugs   is important java tool for static code analysis. There is also maven  findbug plugin . The tool write XML report file. Sometimes, there is a need to exclude from the report some detected bug. findbugs can use  filter files  to include or exclude bugs. The maven plugin can use this files using  exclude property . There is simple way to generate that file:

maven video tutorial

maven is great build tool. I found it easier to learn about by first watching basic video tutorials.