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Jenkins error: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException

I tried to run groovy build step and got below error. This post will describe how I solved the problem.

Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hudson for class: script

Full error message
15:51:57  Building on master
15:51:57  [workspace] $ d:\groovy-1.8.2\bin\groovy.bat -cp dom4j-1.6.1.jar D:\jenkins\jobs\Staging_ForZiv_CleanWorkspace\workspace\script.groovy
15:51:59  Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hudson for class: script
15:51:59  groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hudson for class: script
15:51:59  at script.deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning(script.groovy:7)
15:51:59  at script$deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning.callCurrent(Unknown Source)
15:51:59  at
15:51:59  Build step 'Execute Groovy script' marked build as failure
15:51:59  Finished: FAILURE

The script that I tried to run
deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning ("ApolloContinuous")
deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning ("ApolloDotNet")
deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning ("ApolloOTAandTests")

def deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning (jobName)
job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.find{job -> == jobName}
println ("Delete workspace for "+job.getName() + " if not under progress")

if (!job.isBuilding())
println ("     >>> Delete workspace for "+job.getName() + " ...")
println ("     >>> Do not delete workspace for "+job.getName() + " because it is currently under progress")

The configuration (after I installed Groovy Plugin)
The root cause of the error and the solution
I didn't noticed but Groovy plugin added two build step types: "Execute groovy script" and "Execute system groovy script". I used by mistake the first type instead of the second.
So fix was simple - delete this step and create new step of type "Execute system groovy script"


JRS said…
Thanks for sharing this - I've wasted way too much time due to this mistake...
Anonymous said…
Ditto. Nice catch, thank you.
Ziv said…
Anonymous said…
Big thanx!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks :) You have saved my Day!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you. It solved my long pending issue.