PowerPro is the best utility I know. It allow many good things.
I wrote script that is invoked by some key to track my activities during the day:
I wrote script that is invoked by some key to track my activities during the day:
;----------------------------------------------- ; log file location - new ;----------------------------------------------- log_file = "c:/z/log.txt" alias_l = "LICENSE - " alias_sr = "SCREEN RECORDER - " alias_m = "MEETING - " *Bar show timer_track *Bar show taskbar ;----------------------------------------------- ; get input from user ;----------------------------------------------- newnote = input ("Note (l=license, sr=screen recorder, m=meeting)") ;----------------------------------------------- ; general variables ; last_usedtimer - name of last used timer (needed for "start") ; last_barcolor - last used color (needed for "start") ; last_htmlbgcolor - background color for HTML report ; ; timer a = main tasks ; timer b = work related tasks ; timer d = delta since last start of task ; timer z = private tasks ;----------------------------------------------- if (last_usedtimer=="") do last_usedtimer="a" last_barcolor="54143" last_htmlbgcolor="white" endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; handle special commands ;----------------------------------------------- if ((newnote=="h") | (newnote=="hold") || (newnote=="stop") || (newnote=="suspend")) do *Timer Stop abdz cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 0, 16744576) quit elseif ((newnote=="s") | (newnote=="start") || (newnote=="resume") || (newnote=="continue") || (newnote=="cont")) do *Timer Start last_usedtimer *Timer Start "d" cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 0, last_barcolor) cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 1, last_barcolor) cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 2, last_barcolor) quit elseif ((newnote=="r") | (newnote=="reset"))do *Timer Clear abdz quit elseif ((newnote=="") | (length(newnote) < 2)) do quit elseif (newnote=="arrival") do *Timer Clear abdz last_htmlbgcolor="BLANCH-DALMOND" newnote="b arrival" endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; set new displayed note to be the entered text ; type: ; (m)ain, (w) - work but not main, (z/p) private ;----------------------------------------------- note=newnote notetype="m" ;----------------------------------------------- ; handle private tasks ;----------------------------------------------- if ((index(note,"z ")==1) || (index(note,"p ")==1)) do notetype=word (note, 1) last_usedtimer="z" last_barcolor="8421631" last_htmlbgcolor="red" *Timer Stop abdz *Timer Start z ;; *Format Item item 1 list "timer_track" text "*Info timersec a" ;----------------------------------------------- ; handle tasks that are related to work but not main work tasks ;----------------------------------------------- elseif (index(note,"w ")==1) do notetype=word (note, 1) last_usedtimer="b" last_barcolor="8454143" last_htmlbgcolor="yellow" *Timer Stop abdz *Timer Start b ;----------------------------------------------- ; handle tasks that are related to real code ;----------------------------------------------- ;elseif (index(note,"c ")==1) do ; notetype=word (note, 1) ; last_usedtimer="a" ; last_barcolor="54143" ; last_htmlbgcolor="white" ; *Timer Stop abdz ; *Timer Start a ;----------------------------------------------- ; handle main work tasks ;----------------------------------------------- else notetype="m" last_usedtimer="a" last_barcolor="54143" last_htmlbgcolor="white" *Timer Stop abdz *Timer Start a if (index(note,"l ")==1) do note = alias_l ++ note elseif (index(note,"sr ")==1) do note = alias_sr ++ note elseif (index(note,"m ")==1) do note = alias_m ++ note endif endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; set color of bar ;----------------------------------------------- cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 0, last_barcolor) cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 1, last_barcolor) ;cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 2, last_barcolor) ;cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 3, last_barcolor) ;----------------------------------------------- ; if user entered 'home', close HTML table and create ; new HTML table ;----------------------------------------------- if (newnote=="home") do *Timer Stop abdz cl.SetBackColor ("timer_track", 0, 16744576) last_htmlbgcolor="orange" ; calculate main work time plannedHours = timer("a")/3600 plannedMin = (timer("a")%3600)/60 plannedTime = ""++plannedHours++":"++plannedMin ; calculate work related tasks noplannedHours = timer("b")/3600 noplannedMin = (timer("b")%3600)/60 noplannedTime = ""++noplannedHours++":"++noplannedMin ; calculate private tasks privateHours = timer("z")/3600 privateMin = (timer("z")%3600)/60 privateTime = ""++privateHours++":"++privateMin ; create the text for the report ; note="Planned:"++plannedTime++" Not planned:"++noplannedTime++" Private:"++privateTime endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; caluclate task duration and reset the duration timer ;----------------------------------------------- deltaTimeHours = timer("d")/3600 deltaTimeMin = (timer("d")%3600)/60 deltaTime = ""++deltaTimeHours++":"++deltaTimeMin *Timer Clear d if (newnote!="home") do *Timer Start d endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; update the log file (html report) ;----------------------------------------------- ;FOR CSV file: s = formatdate("dd/MM/yyyy",date)++","++formattime("HH:mm",time)++","++notetype++","++note s = formatdate("dd/MM/yyyy",date)++" "++formattime("HH:mm",time)++" ["++notetype++"] "++note fh = file.open(log_file,"a") fh.writeLine(s) fh.close