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Showing posts from August, 2018

elasticsearch cheatsheet (REST)

elasticsearch troubleshooting

Default locations /etc/security/limits.conf - define operating system limits for elastic /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml - configuration file /var/log/elasticsearch - log folder /var/log/message - system log  /usr/share/elasticsearch - installation folder /var/lib/elasticsearch - data folder journalctl - command to see log of service

KB: ElasticSearch - upgrade 2.x to 5.x - Linux

KM03207448 Upgrading Elasticsearch from version 2.x to 5.x (Linux) Summary Elasticsearch is a required component of ALM Octane. This document is provided as a service and provides instructions on upgrading Elasticsearch on Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Centos platforms. Topic This article provides the steps for upgrading the Elasticsearch database from version 2.x to 5.x. Elasticsearch is a required database component for ALM Octane. Elasticsearch version 5.x is required for ALM Octane 12.55.25 and later. Overview The upgrade is divided into three stages: Before upgrading:  Install the migration plugin and run the cluster checkup to see what you will need to adjust during the upgrade. Upgrade :  Perform the upgrade. After upgrading :  Restart the cluster, and resume indexing and searching. Before upgrading 1.       Install the migration plugin:  Install the migration plugin with a version corresponding to the version of Elasticsearch currently installed