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Showing posts from June, 2017

ALM Octane - KM02494295 - Installing Elastic Search server - VERSION 2.4 Content of KM from Jun 20, 2017: Title Installing Elasticsearch server Summary Elasticsearch is a required component of ALM Octane.  This document is provided as a service on how to install and configure Elasticsearch on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Centos or Windows platforms. Topic This article provides the steps for installing an Elasticsearch database. Elasticsearch is a required database component for ALM Octane. Response   Elasticsearch is quite memory intensive and requires disk space to maintain indexes. Therefore, we recommend you have a dedicated machine. The size of the customer environment (standalone or clustered, number of workspaces, amount of data, and so on) may affect whether you need a mid-level machine or an Elasticsearch cluster. Therefore, the decision to use an existing server depends on the type of operations anticipated. For example, for testing purposes by a small pilot team,

ALM Octane - KM02703217 - installation troubleshooting document

If installation of ALM Octane fails. it is good idea to see troubleshooting guide KM02703217. To access this document, open Content of document (Jun 20, 2017): Title This document contains troubleshooting suggestions for issues relating to the ALM Octane installation. Summary Known troubleshooting scenarios and possible solutions. Check this document often for more updated information. Topic These the known scenarios and solutions for ALM Octane installation troubles. Response I rebooted the ALM Octane server machine. The HPALM service did not start up automatically. When you reboot the machine, you need to manually restart the ALM Octane server: service HPALM restart The service runs in the background. ALM Octane does not open in Internet Explorer. If you encounter problems opening ALM Octane in Internet Explorer, check that the domain is configured correctly: 1.      Edit the octane.yml file an