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Groovy script examples


trigger a job 
activeJobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.findAll{job -> job.isBuildable()}

for (j in activeJobs)
 describe (j.asProject().getLastBuild())

def describe (o)
 println (o.toString() + " ("+o.getClass()+")")
 println ("\tList of fields")
 for( field in o.getClass().getFields() )
  println "\t\t"+field.getType().getName() + "\t"+field.getName() + "\t("+field.get(o)+")"
 println ("\tList of methods")
 for( method in o.getClass().getMethods() )
  result = "("+method.getParameterTypes().length+" args)"
  if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0)
   if ((method.toString().indexOf("java.lang.Object")==-1) && (method.toString().indexOf(".get")==-1))
    result = method.invoke(o)
    result = "java lang method"
  println "\t\t"+method.toString() + "\t"+result
 println "***END***"
Delete workspace
deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning ("ApolloQAP_FindBugs")

def deleteWorkspaceIfNotRunning (jobName)
job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.find{job -> == jobName}
println ("Delete workspace for "+job.getName() + " if not under progress")

if (!job.isBuilding())
println (" >>> Delete workspace for "+job.getName() + " ...")
println (" >>> Do not delete workspace for "+job.getName() + " because it is currently under progress")

trigger job if given job failed
urJobName = "Staging_ForZiv_triggerSironInCaseOfFailure"
triggeredJobName = "InvokeKitchenSiron"

job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.find{job -> == curJobName}
run = job.getLastBuild()
println ( + " last build is " + run.number + " with status " + run.result)

if (run.result == run.result.FAILURE) 
  println ("Job failed so trigger " + triggeredJobName)
  triggeredJob = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.find{job -> == "InvokeKitchenSiron"}
//  triggeredJob.newBuild()
  println ("Job passed")

job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.find{job -> == "name"}


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